Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Ins and Outs of Credit Card Debt Settlement

The Ins and Outs of Credit Card Debt Settlement
by: Kevin Erickson
Are you a self-confessed shopaholic who buys anything and everything that you get your shopping addicted hands on? Such thoughtless and impulsive buying will most likely result in the accumulation of a bunch of junk that will simply collect dust. Can you even remember that silk scarf you just had to have and since it was a virtual steal at 50% off you just had to buy it? Where is it now and how many times have you actually worn it? Is it still fashionable?

If you're like most people, chances are you'll have to rummage through bins and bins of collected shopping "litter" which you've accumulated through the years, just to be able to see that once precious scarf. You may still be in a state of denial by saying "Fashion goes round and round and that scarf will have its shining moment once again."

Unfortunately, many people fall into this mode of impulsive buying that they really can't afford and before they realize it they become saddled with debt. If you fall into this category, you'll soon need to learn a thing or two about debt settlement which can assist you in extracting yourself out of that self-imposed state of financial trauma and begin to start rebuilding your life bit by bit. And the time to start is now! Of course, you have to be honest with yourself, admit that you've got a serious debt problem and then humble yourself enough to seek the help you need to pull yourself out of this devastating ordeal.

First things first, a lot of people may actually think that they only have a few choices when it comes to solving their debt problems. The two most common options for those who are burdened with enormous amounts of debt are either to consider declaring bankruptcy or debt consolidation. Unfortunately, if you take the easy way out by declaring bankruptcy, it will leave an embarrassing and indelible mark on your credit report for up to 7 years, which will result in higher interest rates, less credit and if you try do qualify for a mortgage (some lenders do give loans immediately after bankruptcy) you will most likely not be able to get a loan to cover 100% of the financing you need. Normally, an 80% first mortgage and if you can get a second mortgage, it will be at much higher interest rate and probably only 10% of the loan value for a total of 90% of the loan to value and you'll have to come up with 10% down.

Clearly, everything will come with a higher price for a period of time but you'll have to weigh that with a straight debt consolidation solution in which you pay off your debt. However, in many cases you can negotiate with the collection agency and it's realistic to get 25% - 50% of the debt forgiven, if you can show that you'll continue to make monthly payments until the remainder is paid off.

Many of the debt settlement / debt consolidation companies were actually established by the credit card companies themselves. Why, you ask... because it only makes sense for the credit card companies to help you pay off your debt because they can either forgive some of the debt or reduce the interest rates, lower the monthly minimum payment requirements or some combination and get paid a portion of the money owed or receive nothing if you declare bankruptcy. What would you do if you were in their shoes? The answer is obvious. This is why a lot of people who have been saddled with debt are now being offered debt settlement. Of course, not all debt consolidation service companies are owned by credit card companies but many are.

Some groups offer debt settlement programs through arbitration. The "selling point" when it comes to these kinds of solutions is that debt settlement will actually help end your debt problems, without having to go through declaring bankruptcy, without having to pay overcharged debt consolidation program fees as well as helping you avoid getting caught in the debt consolidation trap that a lot of people have fallen victim to.

In many cases, what the organizations do that offer debt settlement services is negotiate your debt down with the collection agencies that have been given your case. I would encourage you to contact a number of companies to ensure you feel comfortable and that you are working with a quality company that doesn't over-charge you for their services.

On the other hand,if you would really like to save money, which only makes sense since you are already heavily in debt... then negotiate with the collection agency yourself. It's not difficult, rather than getting upset when you get called night after night simply tell the collection agency rep that you would like to pay off your debt but you can only do it if you can get it reduced and then ask them that you would like to get the debt you owe reduced by 50% - 60%, even 75% and ask them to see what they can do. Ask for a lot up front because as in any negotiation there's always a give and take. Believe me, they will go to work for you and your offer will be seriously considered because they only get paid when they collect and it's better to get their percentage on a smaller amount than "diddly squat" on the full amount.

Of course, you'll have to decide what route you want to take... bankruptcy versus debt settlement but shop around and realize that you do have options. The internet is full of companies offering their bankruptcy or debt settlement services, but be careful and don't let them push you around and never work with anyone you don't feel 100 percent comfortable with.

About the author:
Kevin Erickson is a contributing writer to the following websites: article may be reproduced only in its entirety.

How to Cut Credit Card Debt

How to Cut Credit Card Debt
by: Richard Townsend
Most Americans have too much credit card debt. Duh, we've all heard that
before, right? Only now its gotten a bit personal... right again? You
personally have too much credit card debt and its about to drive you crazy.

Well there IS hope so don't file those bankruptcy papers just yet. One
major thing you have to keep in mind is your creditor is probably very
willing to work with you. Its in their best interest to have you making
some payment versus no payment. So here are a couple points to help you deal
with your credit card debt.

The first thing you have to do is simply contact your creditor and let them
know your situation. Ask for a lower interest rate or a repayment plan.
You might not have thought of it because you're just naturally so polite but
its a very good strategy to be courteous at all times when negotiating with
your creditor. Polite, but firm. Come across as one who knows what you're
asking for and expect to get it. If you're not sure what you're asking for
in the first place you might consider a reputable credit counseling service.
There's a lot of great, honest organizations out there whose mission is to
help you work things out with your creditors.

Next you've GOT to stop using your cards. Cut them up, freeze them in a tub
of water, whatever you need to do to get them out of your wallet or purse,
do it! You simply can't keep adding to the problem by running the debt up
any higher. This is actually one of the hardest parts of cutting your
credit card debt. Its like you're addicted to spending money you don't
have. So go cold turkey and drop the habit.

Start paying the ones with the highest interest rate first and work from
there. How do you do that? Concentrate on those high interest rate cards
by paying more than the minimum balance each month. The minimum is just
designed to keep you on the hook longer anyway. The credit card companies
are in this business to make a profit and want to have you paying them for
years to come. Even a little extra each month makes a big difference in the
long run.

Lastly, keep your chin up and have a good attitude. Millions of folks just
like you have begun to cut their credit card debt by following the common
sense steps outlined above. You can do it too. Good luck.

About the author:
You can reproduce this article as long as you include the authors name and website.

Richard Townsend

Enjoy The Benefits Of A Credit Merchant Account

Enjoy The Benefits Of A Credit Merchant Account
by: Shane Penrod
A credit merchant account can make your business more productive than ever. That’s because a merchant account will let you start accepting credit card payments from customers in any part of the world at any time of the day or night. Could business possibly be better than that when conducted in any other way? That is why you need to know more about potential benefits of a merchant account.

Your credit merchant account will let you grow your business in ways you may not have imagined. For example, in addition to taking credit card payments on location at your store, you can take a wireless credit card processor with you to customers’ residences or places of business and accept payment on the spot. This makes it easier for the customer to pay the charges and not give another thought to the transaction. You, on the other hand, likewise benefit when the bill is paid promptly without the hassle of waiting for payments that may never arrive. You can hire few billing clerks and accounts receivable employees when you accept credit transactions that are processed instantly.

Another way that a credit merchant account can serve your business is when you implement a phone order and payment system. A digital program will let customers call a toll-free number, listen to messages about products and services or select other options, such as “payment” or “catalog request,” and then finish up by processing a credit card for any purchases made during the phone call. You don’t even have to hire someone to answer the phone; the entire process can be automated, although you may want to have a customer service rep available at certain hours of the day if needed.

The credit merchant account benefit that is creating quite a buzz in the business world is the Internet credit card processing option. More companies are putting up a Website in cyberspace to get their names out there and to attract a larger, more global client base. You can enjoy these benefits, too, when you get approved for a credit merchant account and hire a Web designer to create an artistic or thoughtful Website that represents your business to customers around the world. Registering with search engines will bring thousands of visitors to your site by accident, but they may decide to remain when they find exciting features on your home page, such as a survey, a helpful hint, or links to product lists and descriptions. They can shop in any time zone or region in any continent from a computer with Internet access. Think of the possibilities for building a super-size client base!

Give some thought to applying for a merchant credit account from a trusted lender or underwriter. This special account will confer professional merchant status and allow you to collect credit payments in a timely manner instead of working through a time-consuming billing process that may render less fruitful results. Shop soon to compare prices and terms for your credit merchant account.

About the author:
Shane Penrod is the founder of http://www.Merchant-Account-Quotes.comSpecializing in allowing merchants the ability to shop and compare multiple quotes from national merchant account providers. For free quotes on merchant account rates and fees, please go to

Do You Need Bad Credit Help

Do You Need Bad Credit Help
by: Jeff Schuman
? Are you one of thousands with no
credit and no collateral to help secure approval, or you just
have extremely bad credit and no one wants to help you, and all
you hear is stories and more stories?

Bad credit is a term used to describe a poor credit rating.
Common practices that can damage a credit rating include making
late payments, skipping payments, exceeding card limits or
declaring bankruptcy. Bad Credit can result in being denied

Bad credit can result in a negative rating from the credit
reporting agencies. Many factors can contribute to someone
getting a "bad credit" rating, among these are non-payment of an
account or late payments over an extended length of time.
Whether non-payment of an account is willful or due to financial
hardship, the result can be the same, a negative rating which
will result in a low credit score. However, lenders are more
willing to work with individuals if the person contacts the
lender to let them know they are having problems meeting their
commitment to pay. 100% Online Debt Relief! No Phone Calls! You
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A credit score is defined as a statistical method of assessing
an applicant's credit worthiness. An applicant's credit card
history; amount of outstanding debt; the type of credit used;
negative information such as bankruptcies or late payments;
collection accounts and judgments; too little credit history,
and too many credit lines with the maximum amount borrowed are
all included in credit-scoring models to determine the credit

Raising your credit score is possible. It's a well known fact
that lenders will give people with higher credit scores lower
interest rates on mortgages, car loans and credit cards. If your
credit score falls under 620 just getting loans and credit cards
with reasonable terms is difficult.

Here are five things that you can use to raise credit score.

1. Correct obvious mistakes.

Your credit score is what shows up in your credit report. Review
your reports from all three credit bureaus for accuracy once a
year as well as several months before applying for a loan.
Changing a mistake on your report can take 30 days to three
months, or more. Get Your credit report from the three major
bureaus: Experian, Trans Union and Equifax.

2. Pay Your Bills On Time

Your payment history makes up 35% of your total credit score.
Your recent payment history will carry much more weight than
what happened five years ago.

Missing just one payment on anything can knock 50 to 100 points
off of your credit score.

Paying your bills on time is the best way to get started
rebuilding your credit rating and raising your credit score.

3. Reduce your credit card balances.

A heavily weighted factor in your FICO score is how much money
you owe on your credit cards relative to your total credit
limit. Generally, it's good to keep your balances at or below 25
percent of your credit card limit, said Jeanne Kelly, founder of
The Kelly Group in Brookfield, Conn., which helps clients
improve their credit scores.

4. Don’t Close Old Accounts

In the past people were told to close old accounts they weren’t
using. But with today's current scoring methods that could
actually hurt your credit score.

Closing old or paid off credit accounts lowers the total credit
available to you and makes any balances you have appear larger
in credit score calculations. Closing your oldest accounts can
actually shorten the length of your credit history and to a
lender it makes you less credit worthy.

If you are trying to minimize identity theft and it's worth the
peace of mind for you to close your old or paid off accounts,
the good news is it will only lower you score a minimal amount.
But just by keeping those old accounts open you can raise credit
score for you.

5. Avoid Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is the single worst thing you can do to your credit
score. Bankruptcy will lower your credit score by 200 points or
more and is very difficult to come back from.

Once your credit score falls below 620, any loan you get will be
far more expensive. A bankruptcy on your credit record is
reported for up to 10 years.

The reality of a bankruptcy is it will limit you to
high-interest lenders that will squeeze out high interest rate
payments from you for years.

It is better to get credit counseling to help you with your
bills and avoid bankruptcy at all costs. By getting credit
counseling instead of declaring bankruptcy you can raise credit
score over a much shorter period of time.

About the author:
Team-Schuman.Com contains the best make money online and make
money websites available today. If you want to make money check
us out here:

Beware Of Bad Credit Payday Loans

Beware Of Bad Credit Payday Loans
by: Jeff Schuman
Could bad credit payday loans be the answer consumers with low
bank accounts have been looking for? Is there any harm in using
these services? Aren't they better than using credit cards or
going hungry?

Have you seen the commercials? Cute characters promise financial
prosperity. Happy, professional individuals appear to regularly
visit their corner pay day loan shop as proudly as cashing a
check at the bank. Customers at the grocery store all recommend
pay day loans as the easy solution for a lack of funds.


Some individuals reason that paying a bill with borrowed money
is better than receiving bad credit marks because of not paying
the bill. This is understandable. However, some financial
institutions are willing to make the occasional exception if
contacted about the situation. Or there may be a small fee, but
not a credit report made.

Using it for groceries or other items? Consider the true cost
before making a decision. Compare the cost of using a pay day
(or cash advance) loan to the fees charged for taking a cash
advance on your own credit card. Can family help? Often those
who are forced to use pay day loans are not able to repay the
loan by the next pay check and that can lead to a cycle of debt
and stress.


Several sources, including a consumer report by the FTC (Federal
Trade Commission) and the CFA (Consumer Federation of America)
state that usual the usual APR is between 350 - 650% with some
as high as 780%.

A loan of $100 ranges in cost between $15 - $30. If the loan is
not repaid by the pay date then it can be renewed with another
fee due at each renewal. A loan of $100 can cost $60 in fees
after 3 renewals.


Based on the warnings issued by federal and consumer
organizations it is clear that using pay day loans or cash
advances from these businesses can often lead to more debt and
problems. Some sites were reported to automatically roll over
the loan and only withdraw the renewal fee on the pay date.
Other sites surveyed by the CFA required customers to agree in
contract to not participate in class action suits or to file for

For those who are having debt problems it is recommended to seek
no- or low-cost credit counseling from a local non-profit
organization. These organizations can help with reducing current
interest charges and lowering monthly payments. If the problem
is budget, you should look to a financial planner who can help
you to manage the money you do have and avoid using credit at

About the author:
Team-Schuman.Com contains the best make money online and make
money websites available today. If you want to make money check
us out here:

Student Credit Cards

Student Credit Cards
by: Phil Edwards

With graduate debt averaging over £12,000, the ability to spread the cost of further education using a student credit card is obviously attractive. Adding to their appeal is the fact that these cards are relatively easy to obtain. Unlike many standard credit cards, they are available to people who do not have a regular, minimum income and credit history. They often come with tempting offers including low rates for an introductory period, shopping discounts and free CDs. Flexing student plastic has the additional benefit of creating a credit history that can be used to support future loan and mortgage applications.

So, with no regular income and credit history, what exactly is the attraction of students for the credit card companies? Well, the fact that graduates can expect to earn, on average, £400,000 more over their lifetime than the national average, means that financial institutions are eager to attract this extra earning potential. Banks and credit card providers know that the general public are reluctant to go through the hassle of changing accounts, so by attracting students early in their career, they are likely to stay with them for life.

Student credit cards can have drawbacks. If balances are not paid off in full each month, most cards aimed at students notch up higher interest charges than their regular counterparts. These additional charges often cancel out the benefits of store discounts or free CDs. Credit cards aimed at those in further education may not attract the useful bonuses that regular plastic does, for example air miles, cash back on purchases and interest-free periods.

For details on the latest offers available to students, please visit:

Credit cards aren’t free money. Flashing plastic creates a debt that must be managed alongside the repayment of tuition fees, bank overdraft and student loan repayments. Handled well, a student will benefit in the future from a good credit rating. Managed poorly, students may end up with a bad history that will adversely affect subsequent credit applications.

It’s also important to note that some standard credit cards do not require the holder to have a minimum regular income or credit history. Students working part time and holiday jobs may earn enough to apply for a range of standard cards. So, it is important for students to check out all suitable credit card deals, not just the ones aimed at people in further education.

A little research before signing on the dotted line can really pay off. By taking the time to compare the deals available on all suitable credit cards, interest repayments can be minimised and the benefits of holding a card maximised. And that really is good news for students.

Phil Edwards is a Business analyst in the city of London, freelance writer for several finance magazines and websites and co-owner of and

Brand Equity - Worth Safeguarding

Brand Equity - Worth Safeguarding
by: Marcia Yudkin
The state government of Vermont has taken aggressive steps
to safeguard the state's brand equity. That's the monetary
premium attaching to tourism or products linked (honestly or
not) to this bucolic home of around 500,000 souls.

Does your company have brand equity? If so, people place
more trust in your quality and a higher value on your
offerings than on a no-name competitor's. If so, the cachet
of your brand envelops any new venture you launch right from
the start.

The general public believes "Made in Vermont" means "Made by
humans, not faceless corporations." In contrast, according
to brand experts, "Made in Connecticut" or "Made in
Michigan" add no extra monetary worth to a product or
service. If a state can be more than a state, you can stand
for something too -- do you?

In building and guarding a brand, think first about what
values you would like to stand for. Volvo has linked itself
to safety, BMW to the driving experience, Mercedes to
luxury, Saturn to no-haggle buying. Marlboro stands for
rugged individualism, Hallmark for warm and thoughtful
relationships, Steinway for performance-level quality.

Brands also have a personality. Nike is confident and
active, Joe Boxer is kooky and unconventional, Starbucks is
comfortable and cultured, Microsoft is geeky and no-
nonsense. The personality is built up not only through
advertising but also through product design, display design,
Web site design, a company's public relations image and of
course customer experiences in dealing with the company.

Price factors into brand identity too. Without looking at
price tags, we know that a certain item sold at Neiman
Marcus costs more than the comparable item at Kmart. Buyers
reason in the opposite direction too. If they're not
familiar with a brand and perceive the price as absurdly
low, they'll create a bargain-basement image for the brand,
while if they perceive the price as expensive, they'll
imagine what they would get on buying as luxurious,
aristocratic or masterful.

After you invest in creating a brand for your company, don't
be quick to change it. Chances are, you'll tire of it years
before the public does. Repetition and consistency imprint
your company identity and image in the minds of potential
and actual customers. Imagine how disturbing it would be to
run across a yellow-and-red IBM sign in a childlike logo, or
a flowery, garden-themed ad for the perfume Opium! With a
coherent, stable brand identity, you'll enjoy more repeat
business, greater customer loyalty, easier word of mouth and
eventually lower marketing expenses.

You'll know your brand is worth something when you start
seeing poachers, imitators and other unscrupulous types
trying to trade off the investment in your brand. It's
worth hiring a lawyer to shoot off a cease and desist
letter, where that's legally warranted. After all, our
fourteenth state isn't allowing folks manufacturing in
Indonesia to claim a Vermont connection. You should be the
only ones presenting themselves to the public as you.

Marcia Yudkin is the author of the
classic guide to comprehensive PR, "6 Steps to Free
Publicity," now for sale in an updated edition at
and in bookstores everywhere. She also spills the secrets
on advanced tactics for today's publicity seekers in
"Powerful, Painless Online Publicity," available from .

Home Equity Loans ... Wise or Unwise?

Home Equity Loans ... Wise or Unwise?
by: David Greene
Home Equity Loans

Over the past few years many Americans have established lines of credit secured by the equity in their homes. For marginal borrowers this can turn out to be highly risky as it exposes these families to the loss of their homes. Lenders tend to quickly change colors from friend to foe in times of financial crisis and need and will "take it away if you can't pay".

Prior to mortgaging or refinancing a home one should consider what the families finances would look like if one or more of the family members living in the home lost their job or came down with a serious illness.

How long could you keep the home payments current if there was an unfortunate loss of family income?

In spite of the dangers of refinancing or taking out a home equity loan there are times when it may in fact be wise. Perhaps credit card debt has gotten out of hand. You can get a home equity loan at much lower rates, pay off the credir card debt, and lower your monthly payments, perhaps as much as by 50%.

A word of warning, however. You must not run up your credit card balances once again or you will end up in even worse financial shape than you were to begin with. It would be far safer to avoid temptation by cutting up your credit cards and using a debit card instead.

There are other occassions when a home equity loan may be justified. Perhaps you wish to start your own business and are willing and able to take the risk that things may not work out as you plan. Your home equity will likely be the cheapest source of start up capital around.

Perhaps you wish to purchase an existing business, one that should earn you a good income for a long time to come. Again your cheapest source of capital would likely be a home equity loan.

In general, one should consider a home equity loan when the loan proceeds are used to very likely improve ones financial position. This would be a wise use of the loan proceeds.

One should use extreme caution in using a home equity loan to purchase additional consumer goods, say a large expensive flat screen TV set or a new SUV. The worst example of the use of a home equity loan that I know of was a couple who took out a loan in order to go to the Superbowl. Just think of how much that Superbowl trip will really cost over the years as interest payments are added in. What a terrible short sighted financial decision.

My advice. Use a home equity loan only to improve your financial position or to raise funds in a true emergency situation. Using a home equity loan to purchase things that will only lose value is a misuse of the loan proceeds that could cost you what is probably your most useful and valuable possession ... your home.

About the author:
David is a full time Internet business developer who maintains an office in Bradenton, Fl. but who spends most of his time in the Land of Smiles, the Kingdom of Thailand.

Canadian Debt Consolidation

Canadian Debt Consolidation
by: Robin K

Life throws people a number of challenges often on a daily basis and unfortunately, some of those are financial challenges. The loss of a job, an illness and many other situations can make paying off loans difficult to do. Sometimes people simply overextend themselves with their financial commitments and find that they can’t always make even the minimum payment on all of their loans. People from all over the world are finding that they are running into similar financial situations including Canada. Canadians as other nationals have the option of trying to qualify for Canadian debt consolidation.

A Canadian debt consolidation loan is when a bank or other lending establishment loans an individual enough money to pay off his or her loans in order to repay back the entire amount in a single payment often at a competitive interest rate. The creditor gives the companies that are owed money, in effect taking over the loan in order to help lower monthly payments and possibly improve the credit score of a person. Not every Canadian debt consolidation loan is offered at the same interest rate, so it is a good idea to look around for the best deal.

Another type of Canadian debt consolidation is where an individual contacts a debt consolidation specialist who in turn contacts the individual’s creditors in order to make arrangements for lower payments or interest in order to satisfy the debt faster for less money. The purpose of this type of Canadian debt consolidation is to help individuals who can still make lower payments on their debts and to avoid having to file for bankruptcy. As with the Canadian debt consolidation loan, the outcome of using a debt consolidation service is to be able to make a lower monthly payment in order to satisfy debt but a good debt consolidation service allows a person to do so without taking on another debt.

A Canadian debt consolidation service works because instead of losing all of their money to bankruptcy or simply never being repaid at all, most lenders want to be able to get a good portion of their money back through a debtors payments. A Canadian debt consolidation service is trained to deal with lenders and lenders are comfortable dealing with a debt consolidation service. If an individual were to attempt to make the same type of arrangements a Canadian debt consolidation does on his or her own it isn’t likely that he or she will meet with much success.

When approaching any type of Canadian debt consolidation service, make sure that the terms of either the consolidation loan or consolidation agreement are acceptable and possible. It doesn’t make sense to get into another loan situation if it isn’t possible to make payments. If a Canadian debt consolidation service arranges to make lower payments on existing debts, make sure that those payments can be made.

Successfully using a Canadian debt consolidation service can make dealing with financial issues much easier on most individuals and can also help him or her to avoid filing for bankruptcy. The benefits of using a Canadian debt consolidation service are immeasurable and can even mean an bringing past due accounts to a current status and improving a credit score over time. If financial obligations are beginning to feel overwhelming or if bankruptcy is being considered, it would be a good idea to look into Canadian debt consolidation and see if it would feasible.

About The Author
Robin is the webmaster and owner of "" and has been researching and reporting on Canadian Debt Consolidations for years. Click Here ==>

About the author:
About The Author
Robin is the webmaster and owner of "" and has been researching and reporting on Canadian Debt Consolidations for years. Click Here ==>

Canadian Debt Consolidation

Canadian Debt Consolidation
by: Robin K

Life throws people a number of challenges often on a daily basis and unfortunately, some of those are financial challenges. The loss of a job, an illness and many other situations can make paying off loans difficult to do. Sometimes people simply overextend themselves with their financial commitments and find that they can’t always make even the minimum payment on all of their loans. People from all over the world are finding that they are running into similar financial situations including Canada. Canadians as other nationals have the option of trying to qualify for Canadian debt consolidation.

A Canadian debt consolidation loan is when a bank or other lending establishment loans an individual enough money to pay off his or her loans in order to repay back the entire amount in a single payment often at a competitive interest rate. The creditor gives the companies that are owed money, in effect taking over the loan in order to help lower monthly payments and possibly improve the credit score of a person. Not every Canadian debt consolidation loan is offered at the same interest rate, so it is a good idea to look around for the best deal.

Another type of Canadian debt consolidation is where an individual contacts a debt consolidation specialist who in turn contacts the individual’s creditors in order to make arrangements for lower payments or interest in order to satisfy the debt faster for less money. The purpose of this type of Canadian debt consolidation is to help individuals who can still make lower payments on their debts and to avoid having to file for bankruptcy. As with the Canadian debt consolidation loan, the outcome of using a debt consolidation service is to be able to make a lower monthly payment in order to satisfy debt but a good debt consolidation service allows a person to do so without taking on another debt.

A Canadian debt consolidation service works because instead of losing all of their money to bankruptcy or simply never being repaid at all, most lenders want to be able to get a good portion of their money back through a debtors payments. A Canadian debt consolidation service is trained to deal with lenders and lenders are comfortable dealing with a debt consolidation service. If an individual were to attempt to make the same type of arrangements a Canadian debt consolidation does on his or her own it isn’t likely that he or she will meet with much success.

When approaching any type of Canadian debt consolidation service, make sure that the terms of either the consolidation loan or consolidation agreement are acceptable and possible. It doesn’t make sense to get into another loan situation if it isn’t possible to make payments. If a Canadian debt consolidation service arranges to make lower payments on existing debts, make sure that those payments can be made.

Successfully using a Canadian debt consolidation service can make dealing with financial issues much easier on most individuals and can also help him or her to avoid filing for bankruptcy. The benefits of using a Canadian debt consolidation service are immeasurable and can even mean an bringing past due accounts to a current status and improving a credit score over time. If financial obligations are beginning to feel overwhelming or if bankruptcy is being considered, it would be a good idea to look into Canadian debt consolidation and see if it would feasible.

About The Author
Robin is the webmaster and owner of "" and has been researching and reporting on Canadian Debt Consolidations for years. Click Here ==>

About the author:
About The Author
Robin is the webmaster and owner of "" and has been researching and reporting on Canadian Debt Consolidations for years. Click Here ==>

Canadian Debt Consolidation

Canadian Debt Consolidation
by: Robin K

Life throws people a number of challenges often on a daily basis and unfortunately, some of those are financial challenges. The loss of a job, an illness and many other situations can make paying off loans difficult to do. Sometimes people simply overextend themselves with their financial commitments and find that they can’t always make even the minimum payment on all of their loans. People from all over the world are finding that they are running into similar financial situations including Canada. Canadians as other nationals have the option of trying to qualify for Canadian debt consolidation.

A Canadian debt consolidation loan is when a bank or other lending establishment loans an individual enough money to pay off his or her loans in order to repay back the entire amount in a single payment often at a competitive interest rate. The creditor gives the companies that are owed money, in effect taking over the loan in order to help lower monthly payments and possibly improve the credit score of a person. Not every Canadian debt consolidation loan is offered at the same interest rate, so it is a good idea to look around for the best deal.

Another type of Canadian debt consolidation is where an individual contacts a debt consolidation specialist who in turn contacts the individual’s creditors in order to make arrangements for lower payments or interest in order to satisfy the debt faster for less money. The purpose of this type of Canadian debt consolidation is to help individuals who can still make lower payments on their debts and to avoid having to file for bankruptcy. As with the Canadian debt consolidation loan, the outcome of using a debt consolidation service is to be able to make a lower monthly payment in order to satisfy debt but a good debt consolidation service allows a person to do so without taking on another debt.

A Canadian debt consolidation service works because instead of losing all of their money to bankruptcy or simply never being repaid at all, most lenders want to be able to get a good portion of their money back through a debtors payments. A Canadian debt consolidation service is trained to deal with lenders and lenders are comfortable dealing with a debt consolidation service. If an individual were to attempt to make the same type of arrangements a Canadian debt consolidation does on his or her own it isn’t likely that he or she will meet with much success.

When approaching any type of Canadian debt consolidation service, make sure that the terms of either the consolidation loan or consolidation agreement are acceptable and possible. It doesn’t make sense to get into another loan situation if it isn’t possible to make payments. If a Canadian debt consolidation service arranges to make lower payments on existing debts, make sure that those payments can be made.

Successfully using a Canadian debt consolidation service can make dealing with financial issues much easier on most individuals and can also help him or her to avoid filing for bankruptcy. The benefits of using a Canadian debt consolidation service are immeasurable and can even mean an bringing past due accounts to a current status and improving a credit score over time. If financial obligations are beginning to feel overwhelming or if bankruptcy is being considered, it would be a good idea to look into Canadian debt consolidation and see if it would feasible.

About The Author
Robin is the webmaster and owner of "" and has been researching and reporting on Canadian Debt Consolidations for years. Click Here ==>

About the author:
About The Author
Robin is the webmaster and owner of "" and has been researching and reporting on Canadian Debt Consolidations for years. Click Here ==>

Consolidate Student Loans and Shop Online

Consolidate Student Loans and Shop Online
by: Nick Smith

If you run a home business, you know that budgets can be pretty tight. Saving money wherever possible can be the difference between the business that succeeds and the one that fails. This article represents a broad survey of things you can do, from consolidating your student loans to getting small business deals on supplies, that will help you spend less each month.

Next Time You’re Online, Buy Something

Billions of dollars are spent each year online. Rather than suggest that you hurry and move your business online, I’d like to suggest that you add some of your dollars and cents to those billions already spent. Companies who move operations online reduce their overhead costs and often pass on those savings to you. Computers, airplane tickets, even student loan consolidation, can be purchased or arranged online. It has been my experience that I can find almost everything I want online for less than I can find it anywhere else. Next time you’re thinking about biting the bullet and making that big purchase, spend a little time shopping around online and see if you can’t save a few dollars.

Consolidate Student Loans and Get Your House in Order

Chances are good that you’ve been out of school for a while, but don’t skip this paragraph. If you consolidate student loans or other financial obligations, you will typically save a great deal of money each month on your monthly payments. Running a home business often blurs the line between personal expenses and business operating costs – do yourself a favor and make sure you have your personal financial affairs taken care of before you find yourself overwhelmed with past obligations. The government might not have cared about your credit score when they gave you those student loans, but banks looking to give business loans are a whole different story. Making sure everything is taken care will keep financial doors open that, once they’re closed, are very difficult to reopen.

Score One for the Little Guy

Believe it not, most people want small businesses to succeed. There are a lot of people willing to give you a break on prices because you own a home business, but you might need to ask about it. Office supply retailers and computer distributors sometimes offer discount prices to registered small business owners. The savings are not always monumental, but even the smallest savings multiplied over a year or two start to add up to pretty substantial amounts. Shop around to see if the suppliers you use are willing to offer you a discount on supplies or equipment.

Do Without…For a While

I’m probably not the only person that drove a car that was older than I was during college, or who ate Ramen noodles more than once almost everyday. Don’t forget the lessons you learned while you were a poor college student – the same ability to make do with what you have can save you a lot of money in the long run. I had just graduated from college and I wanted to get a new computer to replace the older, though fully functional one I was using. This was before I took my own advice to consolidate student loans, so money was still pretty tight. I wanted to kick myself when I saw that the price on the computer I bought dropped $300 in three months. Some expenses are necessary and unavoidable. For everything else, look to see if you can manage with what you have for a while longer.

Don’t Do It Alone

Nobody likes data entry – it’s time consuming, boring, and time consuming. If you find yourself spending too much of your day punching numbers into spreadsheets, consider hiring someone or outsourcing it to another company. If you think that you can’t afford the part-time salary, do an inventory of your time and see if what you would pay someone is worth the amount of time you’ll be able to invest into the meatier matters of your business.

I know I’m risking sounding like your father giving you a lecture about money, but remember that a penny saved is a penny earned. A successful business minimizes costs while maximizing profits.

About the author:
Nick Smith is a client account specialist with 10x Marketing - More Visitors. More Buyers. More Revenue. For information about how to consolidate student loans, check out Agilix GoBinder.

Stock Market Consolidation

Stock Market Consolidation
by: William Cate
Stock Market Consolidation
By William Cate
Published November 1999
[] []

The National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) has a vision.
They see two North American Markets by 2010. They see the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE) as the "traditional" Market. The NASD expects to own
everything else. They'll be the Market of Cyberspace. Since they operate
Nasdaq, the second largest market in the States, their vision isn't wishful

The NASD has acquired the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) and the
Philadelphia Stock Exchange. They are trying to acquire the remaining
regional American Stock Exchanges. They intend to include the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) in their vision.

The NASD will sell the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) in
the next five years. The reason is the NASD's reputation is at risk from
unethical OTCBB trading. And the OTCBB, like the Western Canadian Stock
Exchanges, will face growing competition from Cyberspace.

The NYSE wants to expand. They are considering taking the NYSE
public to raise money to compete with the NASD in Cyberspace. I suspect
they will be competitive bidders for the remaining American regional Stock
Exchanges and the TSE. The NYSE sales pitch will stress status.

I doubt the merger of the Vancouver, Alberta and Winnipeg Stock
Exchanges will work. Along with the Canadian Dealers Network in Ontario,
Canada's risk capital markets will be history within the next twenty years.
Also, I suspect that the Montreal Stock Exchange will disappear by 2020.
The reasons for failure involve the credibility of these markets combined
with increased competition from Cyberspace.

The Frankfurt (German) Stock Exchange (GSE) has a NASD vision for
Europe. It sees the International (London) Stock Exchange (ISE) as the
traditional market in the 21st Century. The Germans intend to consolidate
everything else. The German Stock Exchange's problem is overcoming national sensibilities in Europe.

The end game for the NASD and GSE would be the merger of their
networks around 2015. They would leave the NYSE and ISE as backwater
"traditional markets." It will take at least an additional ten years for
the NASD and GSE to merge. If it happens, it will occur after 2020.

Recent history suggests that the Asian markets will move to
consolidate. The Europeans created their Union. The North Americans
followed with NAFTA. The Asians were forced to create ASEAN. The American and European Stock Market integration will force Asian Stock Markets to consolidate.

The wild card in the 21st Century Stock Market Cartel plan is the
Net. Several years ago, Wit Capital failed to create an online Stock Market
in the United States. However, the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) is being forced to allow Net Stock Exchanges. At present, there are
two LEGAL Net Stock Exchanges. One serves small capital investors. The
other serves "after-hours" institutional traders.

In the beginning, the SEC used "Cease & Desist" orders to close
down Net Stock Exchanges. Today, there are at least twenty American Net
Stock Exchanges trading without the blessing of the SEC. The American
Prohibition Era exemplifies the SEC's problem. They can't stop unlicensed
Net Stock Exchanges, so they'll move to regulate them.

The SEC is in a quandary about regulating the Internet. The rest of
the World is unlikely to try. Like online gambling, local Net Stock
Exchanges create jobs in places that never heard of Wall Street.

As the established stock markets consolidate, the Net will see a
proliferation of Net Stock Exchange. The hundreds of these Stock Exchanges
will fragment the risk capital market. The limiting factor isn't the SEC.
It's time to allow a computer-literate generation to have the disposable
capital necessary to feed the dreams of the next generation of speculators.
It will happen by 2010.

As the established Stock Markets consolidate and the risk capital
markets fragment on the Net, nobody is looking for the Bear. We are in the
midst of the greatest Bull Market in History. It's time to go public. It's
time to build your company. It's time to sell your company at Market
Capitalization. Then, it will be time to adopt a capital protection mode.
The reason is the Bear is coming. It will probably arrive between
2010-2015. When it arrives, it will herald the worst Depression since the
beginning of the Technological Revolution. The NASD & Germans will survey their empire as the Bear steps upon them.

To contact the author: Visit the Beowulf Investments website: [] Or, visit the Global Village Investment Club Website:

About the Author

He has been the Managing Director of Beowulf Investments [] since 1981 and is the Executive Director of the Global Village Investment Club []

Securing a Debt Consolidation Loan

Securing a Debt Consolidation Loan
by: Kevin Erickson
It's the day you've been waiting for the last two weeks... payday and the only time when your face lights up and you actually go to the office with a lot of wonderful, dreamy thoughts in your head - such as how fast you'll be able to bolt out of the office and get yourself down the to nearest mall and you can already smell the Caffè Verona® you plan on ordering at Starbucks. Either way, you seem compelled to impulsively spend all of that hard-earned cash on something that in all likely-hood you can do without. Like that dress you'll probably wear just once or the Egyptian silk sheets that you've been drooling over ever since you noticed that Jessica Simpson on Newlyweds sleeps on in luxurious comfort. Never mind they are actually worth fourteen hundred dollars... but like you always tell yourself - you deserve it. Besides, what's the harm in rewarding yourself for a job well done? You deserve some pampering too.

You may even find yourself making plans at some luxurious spa, to sample of their relaxing (not to mention, extremely costly) facials, massages or treatments. After all, you work hard and so you've definitely earned it since you've been stressed out all month long from your hectic schedule and tight deadlines.

On the other hand, have you ever even thought of saving... even occasionally putting a portion away for a rainy day? Have you thought about you future? And if it actually involves those Egyptian silk sheets that you just purchased or the designer coffee that you simply cannot seem to get enough of - is it really worth it?

Unfortunately for too many, sooner or later reality sets in and when it does it hits them like a Category 5 hurricane and they wake up they realize (hopefully not too late) how deeply they've buried themselves in an oppressive amount of debt. And they also realize that they have absolutely nothing to fall back on in order to get themselves out. You could simply hand in the towel and declare bankruptcy (many do) however, an alternative, less stressful and smarter way to go, is to at least initially, look into getting a debt consolidation loan.

The thought of a debt consolidation loan may not be all that enticing to most of the debt saddled, but then again what's the alternative - bankruptcy or paying minimums on your credit cards at 20% interest for the next 20 years? Unfortunately for those of you who have nothing in your savings or other assets to tap into, it may be your best option and perhaps the first really smart financial decision you've made in quite awhile.

You are clearly aware that a ton of companies offer debt consolidation loans, just the fact that you are reading this article attests to the fact that you've done some type of internet search related to debt or debt consolidation. You just have to be honest about your finances or whatever it was that you were doing with your money (when you still had some) so that whomever you decide to go with to try and secure that debt consolidation loan will be able to provide you with an accurate scenario of your financial present and future.

The past is... as they say, history. You really have no choice but to simply move on, walk away from your past mistakes and hope that you've learned something useful. And then, incorporate those lessons into your future dealings with money and hope against hope that your debt consolidation loan will be approved so that you can take the overwhelming burden of debt you've saddled yourself with and leave it far behind.

As you search for a debt consolidation loan make sure you do your due diligence by shopping around and asking questions whenever you feel lost by the "financial jargon" or the whole process in general. If you do your part, you'll greatly increase your chances or working with a reputable company that's not out to take advantage of your current poor financial situation.

A final bit of advice, virtually all Loan Officers work on commission and so it's in their best interest to... 1) Make sure you get the loan and 2) Charge you the highest interest rate possible and the highest possible fees and still make the deal. That being said, don't ever take the first quote you get for rate and closing costs as the best deal you can get because it very rarely is. While shopping, make sure the companies you are working with know that your shopping around tell them straight out that you will give your business to whomever can come up with the best deal and who's is upfront and honest from the get-go.

Never forget that you are in charge (regardless of your current financial state) and if you don't feel comfortable with your lender or what's being presented then simply move on until you find someone who treats you with the respect and dignity you deserve.

About the author:
Kevin Erickson is a contributing writer to the following websites: article may be reproduced only in its entirety.

Government Student Loan Consolidation

Government Student Loan Consolidation
by: Mark Lambie
Are you behind on your bills? Do you have more than one student loan? If you answered “yes” to either question there are some terrific opportunities for you to lump your debt together with a government student loan consolidation. Please read on for more information.

When you graduated from school, more than likely your first job was low paying and your expenses were high. It is not that uncommon for students to rack up bills of 30, 40, or 50 thousand dollars or more in debt, just to the school. Car payments, credit cards bills, and everyday expenses can push your debt levels up through the stratosphere. Time to think of getting some help. Time to consider government student loan consolidation.

What is government student loan consolidation exactly? It is a loan which allows for you to take multiple student loans, pay them off, and make monthly payments to just one lender. Why can this be a good option for you? Well, if you have four loans to four different lenders due at four different times of the month, it can seem as if you are always paying someone back for your schooling. Also, try keeping track of all this with your hectic schedule. Between work, family, friends, and all of life's responsibilities wouldn't it just be easier to have one simple payment to make? Yes, it would.

Another good thing about a government student loan consolidation is that you may be able to lower your interest rate, extend your repayment time, and take out little extra money to pay back other creditors. Maybe you have a credit card payment running you 19% interest. If you got a loan at a rate for half that rate, you would save money, right? Yes, you would.

Where do you go to for a government student loan consolidation? Search the internet! Leading companies are advertising their services to consumers and they are anxious for your business. Shop around and find the consolidation loan that is best for you. Some things to keep in mind:

1. Loan Amount. Will the company pay off all of your student loans, or a portion of what you owe? They may want to see pay stubs and other proofs of income first.

2. Loan Rate. Will loan rate be fixed or will it be variable? You may want to lock in a long term fixed rate to assure that your monthly payments remain stable.

3. Loan Term. Can you deal with paying back a your government student loan consolidation for as long as twenty years? Are there any prepayment penalties? What if you were to default on your loan? What then?

All in all, you have options to pay off your student loans that generations never had before. A government student loan consolidation may be right for you.

About the author:
Mark Lambie is the founder of The Loan House a website that allows consumers to quickly and easily get free mortgage quotes and mortgage information.

Student loan consolidation: look this gift horse in the mouth. Part I

Student loan consolidation: look this gift horse in the mouth. Part I
by: Ian McAllister

Get Life Skills - Not Student Loans


Student loans? Who needs them? Take charge of your money for the rest of your life.


Part I Avoid student loan consolidation by avoiding debt (this is part I)

Part II Student loan consolidation has big benefits for losers

Part III Idea beats student loan consolidation and creates a winning mindset.


You'll never need student loans with these ideas.

1.Grants in place of student loans - no repayments

2. Part time earning decreases student loans

3. Economising (builds life skills) avoids some student loans


1. Grants - Supreme way to avoid student loans


A grant is a gift of money that you don't have to repay. Isn't a $50000 grant better than taking out student loans every year for four or five years?

There is a club that keeps its members abreast of grants that they might use. You can avoid student loans. These grants aren't confined to education so you aren't confined to avoiding student loans. If you get a grant, save actively to build a nest egg and the right mindset.


2. Part Time Earning


There are lots of ways for you to work your way through college. What I like is that they encourage an aggressive "go and get it" mindset. Student loans encourage the "wait for it to come to me" mindset.

I have details of how a teenage girl made a profitable website. She'll never need student loans!

One girl runs dogs. That's right, she runs for half an hour with 4 dogs that need lots of exercise, then picks up the next 4 dogs.

Don't lose sight of your target. You want to avoid student loans, not impress your friends with how much you can spend.


3. Economising


I had a grant for University. Fellow students complained their student loans or college grants were too small. I saved money from the grant by economising.

A dollar saved is four dollars earned. You pay back about twice as much as you borrow, with money from which the IRS has stolen 50%. So each dollar you save avoids earning four.

You can economise on these and have better health.

1. Food

2. Lodgings

3. Health

4. Transport

5. Social life


1. Food.


Learn to cook. You're at the mercy of food suppliers until you can cook. One student got into the news because student loans only covered tinned dog-food for him to eat. That's too expensive! I'm cooking my own food and eating well on about$17 per week.




I can only suggest that you shop around. Remember that $20 saved per week is $1000 saved from your student loans each year even without interest payments.


3. Health


The damage you do to your body adds up over your lifetime, so it's a good idea to stay healthy. What has that to do with student loans?

It turns out that fast food is bad for your health, and so are most processed foods, and cooking your own food means that you can avoid trans-fatty acids, sugar, and all the other things that cause obesity. Curry, broccoli, tomatoes, garlic, brazil nuts, and cabbage among other things fight cancer. And they all make less demands on student loans.




Make enquiries. How much would you save from your student loans by buying a bike instead of a car? Would public transport be better? Would walking or running for exercise be even better? How much would it cramp your style for dating?

Remember, buying a car with a student loan involves not only repayments, but fuel and oil, repairs, licensing, and depreciation. I travelled 2 hrs/day on my pushbike getting exercise and no college loans.


5. Social Life


Look for free pastimes. If your friends aren't interested in ways to avoid college loans perhaps you have the wrong friends.

If you finish study at 25 and work till 60 that gives you a working life of 35 years. So a 25 year student loan takes a big chunk out of your life, even if you are never unemployed.

And that's before you take out a mortgage!


Other ways to economise


Buy second-hand whenever possible - even your textbooks. Clothes from the Salvation Army are cheap. Use eBay, but don't buy anything you don't need. My first boss said I'd furnished my house for less than he spent on his bedroom.

Negotiate - Important for second hand, even more for new goods. When you go in to buy a new fridge, the attendant waits to see if you're stupid enough to pay the price tag, or ask for a discount.

Remember a dollar saved is four dollars in student loans that you won't have to pay back.

About the author:
Read more about these methods Ian has tried. You could be a millionnaire with the right mindset.

Student Loan Consolidation - Save Money, Pay Less, Spend More

Student Loan Consolidation - Save Money, Pay Less, Spend More
by: Rick Braddy
Save Money, Pay Less, Spend More on What You Want? Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Well, if you'll spend a few minutes learning about student loan consolidation, you'll soon be armed with enough information to make some really good decisions and help you achieve all of the above, and more.

Student loans are available to students (and parents) in need of help
with living costs while studying and working on a degree program. For many students, student loans are their largest source of cash and income (in some cases, their only source). What often happens, is students acquire multiple student loans, then begin to have cash flow problems, which leads to charges on one or more credit cards. These credit cards are typically issued with very high interest rates, often 20% or higher. This is a severely problematic financial trap, and a very tough way to get started in life for a young person who is still in school or just about to graduate.

So, how does student loan consolidation work anyway? Well, unfortunately, too many students leave college with debt that weighs them down heavily, burdening their lives with debt that will haunt them for many years to come. More often than not, students accumulate multiple loans from various lenders. This leads to multiple payments each month, and often several loans with unfavorably high interest rates.

Loan consolidation allows students to combine multipleloans into a single instrument, one loan from a single lender. In effect, this is like refinancing a mortgage or credit card or other debt consolidation - multiple debts reduced to one. The balances of the multiple loans are paid off by the loan consolidation lender, and voila' - a single loan payment at a more favorable interest rate. Translation: lower monthly payments, less overhead costs for the borrowed money, and more immediate cash flow to spend on more important items today.

A student should seriously evaluate consolidating loans if the consolidated loan would result in a lower interest rate that the current student loans, especially if the student is struggling to make multiple student loan repayments.

Often times, the merged loan includes a more flexible set of repayment options, plus no charges, fees or prepay penalty. In some cases, there may even be no pesky credit checks, loan collaterals or cosigners involved.

Student loan consolidation can reduce payments up to 60 percent (actual amount saved will depend upon the existing loan interest rates). The other factor is the term of the loans. Typical loans are for a 10 year term. When consolidating student loans, its possible to refinance for up to 30 years (like a home mortgage). It's important that there be no prepayment penalties, since the student will likely want to pay these loans off much sooner, once their earning power is improved after graduating and progressing in a career that pays reasonably well. Of course, the longer the loan period, the higher the interest rate, and lower the initial payments, which frees up precious cash flow when it's needed most - while the student is in school.

So, if a student has multiple loans, typically in excess of $7,500 total, there are many benefits of looking seriously at a student consolidation loan. It's a great way to free up cash flow, pay less each month, and save money while in school.

About the author:
Rick Braddy is an avid writer, Texas Holdem poker player, professional software developer and marketer. His loan consolidation website provides students and parents with a wealth of free information on student loan consolidation that helps young people better finance their education.

A School Loan Consolidation Primer

A School Loan Consolidation Primer
by: Jay Stockman
"Hey Dad!", my son screamed from our front door, "I did it, I was accepted to Boston University.". My momentary exhilaration was overshadowed by the financial realities of college, especially private college. A quick calculation of my costs for 4 years of tuition, and expenses came to roughly $250,000, a very intimidating figure. Overwhelmed I thought, how could I possibly afford to send him to college? Fortunately, there are various options available to finance this academic endeavor.

Federal programs are the single, largest source of school loan consolidation. The first step in applying for this type of aid is going on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) website, at, and fill out a comprehensive questionnaire. It generally takes around 7 days to process, at which point you will receive a Data Release Number, and Estimated Financial Contribution. It is important to find out if the school you will be attending participates in the federal student aid programs, most do.

There are several federal programs available for student aid, assuming school participation. The Federal Stafford Loans, are available to both undergraduate and graduate students. First-year undergraduates are eligible for loans up to $2,625. Amounts increase for subsequent years of study, with higher amounts for graduate students. The interest rate is variable, but never exceeds 8.25 percent. The Federal PLUS Loans are unsubsidized loans made to parents; the interest rate is variable, but never exceeds 9 percent. Federal Work Study provides jobs to undergraduate and graduate students, allowing them to earn money to pay education expenses. These are the major federal sources of loan money for college.

Private education loans are also available from a variety of sources to provide supplemental funding when other financial aid does not cover costs. These loans are not sponsored by government agencies, and are offered by banks or other financial institutions. Sallie Mae is a unique loan that consists of a comprehensive package of both private and federal loans.

After accumulating 4 years of undergraduate education loans, it is best to consider a School Loan Consolidation Program. Very simply, you can elect to combine all your outstanding loans into one student consolidated loan, which may create more favorable terms and simplify repayment, benefiting both the borrower, and the lending agency. Major benefits include the convenience of lower monthly payments, a single fixed rate, and one payment per month. There is a minor downside, however, students who do not consolidate their Stafford loans will have a 6-month grace period after graduation to begin making payments. Students who consolidate must begin making payments within 60 days of their consolidation. Both parents and students are eligible to consolidate student loans. The school loan consolidation program streamlines repayment by eliminating different terms, repayment schedules, and lenders.

Will I be able to afford my son’s college education? Careful financial planning, and research should make this endeavor a reality. While it is true that college tuitions continue to rise, there is more financial aid available to compensate for the increases. Ultimately, a good education is your best investment.

About the author:
Jay B Stockman is a contributing editor for Online College Loan Refinance Resource. Visit more information.

Consolidate Student Loans and Shop Online

Consolidate Student Loans and Shop Online
by: Nick Smith

If you run a home business, you know that budgets can be pretty tight. Saving money wherever possible can be the difference between the business that succeeds and the one that fails. This article represents a broad survey of things you can do, from consolidating your student loans to getting small business deals on supplies, that will help you spend less each month.

Next Time You’re Online, Buy Something

Billions of dollars are spent each year online. Rather than suggest that you hurry and move your business online, I’d like to suggest that you add some of your dollars and cents to those billions already spent. Companies who move operations online reduce their overhead costs and often pass on those savings to you. Computers, airplane tickets, even student loan consolidation, can be purchased or arranged online. It has been my experience that I can find almost everything I want online for less than I can find it anywhere else. Next time you’re thinking about biting the bullet and making that big purchase, spend a little time shopping around online and see if you can’t save a few dollars.

Consolidate Student Loans and Get Your House in Order

Chances are good that you’ve been out of school for a while, but don’t skip this paragraph. If you consolidate student loans or other financial obligations, you will typically save a great deal of money each month on your monthly payments. Running a home business often blurs the line between personal expenses and business operating costs – do yourself a favor and make sure you have your personal financial affairs taken care of before you find yourself overwhelmed with past obligations. The government might not have cared about your credit score when they gave you those student loans, but banks looking to give business loans are a whole different story. Making sure everything is taken care will keep financial doors open that, once they’re closed, are very difficult to reopen.

Score One for the Little Guy

Believe it not, most people want small businesses to succeed. There are a lot of people willing to give you a break on prices because you own a home business, but you might need to ask about it. Office supply retailers and computer distributors sometimes offer discount prices to registered small business owners. The savings are not always monumental, but even the smallest savings multiplied over a year or two start to add up to pretty substantial amounts. Shop around to see if the suppliers you use are willing to offer you a discount on supplies or equipment.

Do Without…For a While

I’m probably not the only person that drove a car that was older than I was during college, or who ate Ramen noodles more than once almost everyday. Don’t forget the lessons you learned while you were a poor college student – the same ability to make do with what you have can save you a lot of money in the long run. I had just graduated from college and I wanted to get a new computer to replace the older, though fully functional one I was using. This was before I took my own advice to consolidate student loans, so money was still pretty tight. I wanted to kick myself when I saw that the price on the computer I bought dropped $300 in three months. Some expenses are necessary and unavoidable. For everything else, look to see if you can manage with what you have for a while longer.

Don’t Do It Alone

Nobody likes data entry – it’s time consuming, boring, and time consuming. If you find yourself spending too much of your day punching numbers into spreadsheets, consider hiring someone or outsourcing it to another company. If you think that you can’t afford the part-time salary, do an inventory of your time and see if what you would pay someone is worth the amount of time you’ll be able to invest into the meatier matters of your business.

I know I’m risking sounding like your father giving you a lecture about money, but remember that a penny saved is a penny earned. A successful business minimizes costs while maximizing profits.

About the author:
Nick Smith is a client account specialist with 10x Marketing - More Visitors. More Buyers. More Revenue. For information about how to consolidate student loans, check out Agilix GoBinder.

Securing a Debt Consolidation Loan

Securing a Debt Consolidation Loan
by: Kevin Erickson
It's the day you've been waiting for the last two weeks... payday and the only time when your face lights up and you actually go to the office with a lot of wonderful, dreamy thoughts in your head - such as how fast you'll be able to bolt out of the office and get yourself down the to nearest mall and you can already smell the Caffè Verona® you plan on ordering at Starbucks. Either way, you seem compelled to impulsively spend all of that hard-earned cash on something that in all likely-hood you can do without. Like that dress you'll probably wear just once or the Egyptian silk sheets that you've been drooling over ever since you noticed that Jessica Simpson on Newlyweds sleeps on in luxurious comfort. Never mind they are actually worth fourteen hundred dollars... but like you always tell yourself - you deserve it. Besides, what's the harm in rewarding yourself for a job well done? You deserve some pampering too.

You may even find yourself making plans at some luxurious spa, to sample of their relaxing (not to mention, extremely costly) facials, massages or treatments. After all, you work hard and so you've definitely earned it since you've been stressed out all month long from your hectic schedule and tight deadlines.

On the other hand, have you ever even thought of saving... even occasionally putting a portion away for a rainy day? Have you thought about you future? And if it actually involves those Egyptian silk sheets that you just purchased or the designer coffee that you simply cannot seem to get enough of - is it really worth it?

Unfortunately for too many, sooner or later reality sets in and when it does it hits them like a Category 5 hurricane and they wake up they realize (hopefully not too late) how deeply they've buried themselves in an oppressive amount of debt. And they also realize that they have absolutely nothing to fall back on in order to get themselves out. You could simply hand in the towel and declare bankruptcy (many do) however, an alternative, less stressful and smarter way to go, is to at least initially, look into getting a debt consolidation loan.

The thought of a debt consolidation loan may not be all that enticing to most of the debt saddled, but then again what's the alternative - bankruptcy or paying minimums on your credit cards at 20% interest for the next 20 years? Unfortunately for those of you who have nothing in your savings or other assets to tap into, it may be your best option and perhaps the first really smart financial decision you've made in quite awhile.

You are clearly aware that a ton of companies offer debt consolidation loans, just the fact that you are reading this article attests to the fact that you've done some type of internet search related to debt or debt consolidation. You just have to be honest about your finances or whatever it was that you were doing with your money (when you still had some) so that whomever you decide to go with to try and secure that debt consolidation loan will be able to provide you with an accurate scenario of your financial present and future.

The past is... as they say, history. You really have no choice but to simply move on, walk away from your past mistakes and hope that you've learned something useful. And then, incorporate those lessons into your future dealings with money and hope against hope that your debt consolidation loan will be approved so that you can take the overwhelming burden of debt you've saddled yourself with and leave it far behind.

As you search for a debt consolidation loan make sure you do your due diligence by shopping around and asking questions whenever you feel lost by the "financial jargon" or the whole process in general. If you do your part, you'll greatly increase your chances or working with a reputable company that's not out to take advantage of your current poor financial situation.

A final bit of advice, virtually all Loan Officers work on commission and so it's in their best interest to... 1) Make sure you get the loan and 2) Charge you the highest interest rate possible and the highest possible fees and still make the deal. That being said, don't ever take the first quote you get for rate and closing costs as the best deal you can get because it very rarely is. While shopping, make sure the companies you are working with know that your shopping around tell them straight out that you will give your business to whomever can come up with the best deal and who's is upfront and honest from the get-go.

Never forget that you are in charge (regardless of your current financial state) and if you don't feel comfortable with your lender or what's being presented then simply move on until you find someone who treats you with the respect and dignity you deserve.

About the author:
Kevin Erickson is a contributing writer to the following websites: article may be reproduced only in its entirety.